Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School

Rylan and Jenna started school last week, and so far are doing great. Rylan is now in first grade, and Jenna is starting kindergarten. Rylan loves staying all day, but I think what he likes the best is eating in the cafeteria. He seems to be adjusting really well to being at school all day. Jenna so far loves kindergarten. I think she thought she would get to stay longer, because her first comment was that school was short. They both have friends in their class and seem to be very happy!! We are proud of them.


  1. So cute. Rylan's hair is so long and I love Jenna's purple. That is so Jenna. They are growing up way too fast.

  2. Your kids are so cute! I guess I didn't realize they are only a year apart in school.

  3. very cute! I hear that kinder class is the place to be! doesn't it make you feel at ease knowing they love their teachers and classes.

  4. Jules, I love Rylan's studly little Zac Efron haircut. Nice!
